Ioannis Segkos
Mayor, Chersonissos-Crete, Secretary General, Network of Solid Waste Management Associations- Fo.Di.S.A. Network(CTI)

Ioannis Segkos was born in 1972. He is married and has two sons. He is from the village of Potamies of the Municipal Unit of Chersonissos. He is a graduate of Computer Engineering.
He holds a degree in Pedagogical Studies from PATES / SELETE Heraklion and a master’s degree in International and European Economic Law (LLM). He speaks English and French.
He has worked as a Secondary School Teacher (1998-2000). Since 2000 he is a public sector employee at Greek Ministry of Finance.
He has been elected as a councilor of the Municipality of Chersonissos in 2009, while he has served as President of the Municipal Port Fund of Chersonissos (2009-2014).
In 2019 he was elected Mayor of the Municipality of Chersonissos. He is General Secretary of the greek “Network of Solid Waste Management Associations – Fo.Di.S.A. Network” (Diktio Foreon Diaxirisis Stereon Apobliton – Di.Fo.Di.S.A.) and Chairman of the “Solid Waste Management Company of Voreia Pediada S.A. – Fo.Di.S.A. Voreias Pediadas S.A.” He is also Vice President of the Energy, Environment and Waste Management Committee of the Central Union of Greek Municipalities (KEDE) and member of the Regional Association of Municipalities of Crete.