Γνωρίστε τους ομιλητές του RGC 2025
Αθανάσιος Παπαδόπουλος

Δήμαρχος Καλαβρύτων, Πρόεδρος Αναπτυξιακής Εταιρείας – Αχαΐα Α.Ε.

Born and raised in Kalavrita, Region of Achaia. He studied economics at the Athens University of Economics and Business.

In 1983, he undertook the role of the General Manager at the “Union of Agricultural Cooperatives” (EAS) of Kalavrita until December 31, 2020. A position from which he worked systematically, for thirty years, to restructure the organization and support the income of farmers and stockbreeders of the Kalavrita region and the broader area, contributing to its development and promotion as one of the most important cooperative organizations in the country.

In the municipal elections of 1998, he was elected Mayor of the expanded Kapodistrian municipality of Kalavrita, a position in which he was re-elected for two additional terms.

During his term of office, as Mayor of Kalavrita, he also served as Chairman of the board of directors in various boards:  the “Municipal Ski Center of Kalavrita” (1999-2009), the “Municipal Museum of the Kalavrita Holocaust” (1999-2006), “Achaia – Development Agency S.A.” (2006-2009), the “Network of Martyr Cities and Villages of Greece” (2001-2009), as well as the Secretary of the Board of “Local Association Of Municipalities And Communities” (TEDK) of the Prefecture of Achaia (1999-2009).

His term of office in the Municipality of Kalavrita related to a series of important projects, development initiatives and actions, that contributed to the development and promotion of the Municipality of Kalavrita, becoming an example, in efficient and effective local government operation.

Moreover, he was elected as a Member of Parliament for Achaia region in the National Elections of 2009, with PASOK political party.

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