Γνωρίστε τους ομιλητές του RGC 2025
Γιώργος Παπούλιας

Πολιτικός Επιστήμονας, Διευθυντής του InSocial

He is Political Scientist, Director of InSocial – Institute for the Social Democracy. He has studied Political Science at Panteion University with a Master’s (MA) in Political Economy and Comparative Political Analysis. He has worked as a special advisor to the minister of Education (2009-2012), minister of Development and Competitiveness (2012) and minister of Finance (2012-2013), as scientific stuff at the European Organization for Strategic Planning (2006-2010) and at the Think Tank “DIKTIO – Network for Reform in Greece and Europe” (2015-2020). He has also worked as a journalist and radio producer and is vice president of the Board of “EPETAD – Scientific Union of Communication Scientists and Journalists”. In his scientific field, he has participated in collective scientific publications and has published a series of analyses, articles and special contributions.

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