Δείτε τους Ομιλητές μας

Maria Voutsina

Head of Europe Direct Information Center of the Region of Western Greece

Member of the Regional Committee for Gender Equality of Western Greece

Financial Manager of the Transnational Project “Alliance for the effective management of environmental resources – Alliance for the Effective Transnational Handling of Environmental Resources – AETHER” Interreg GR-IT

Participation in the Project “Preparation and Management of Epidemic Food Infections” PREPAREDNESS AND MANAGEMENT OF FOOD-BORNE OUTBREAKS “within the BTSF Project of the Sector” Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency “EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG HEALTH AND

Executive of the Public Heallth Department of Region Western Greece (Sanitary control & Environmental Hygiene) 2003-2019

Adult education

Graduate of the National School of Public Health (Public Health)