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Elena Kountoura
Member of the European Parliament
Since June 2014, she has been a member of the Greek Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) at the Council of Europe as a full member of the Committee on Immigration, Refugees and Displaced Persons and as an alternate member of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination.
She has also served as President of the Greek-Korean Friendship Parliamentary Group and member of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups, with China, France, Romania, Uzbekistan and Jordan.
Elena Kountoura develops strong social and philanthropic activities in Greece and abroad. She is President of the organization “EUROPA DONNA HELLAS”, which deals with the prevention and awareness of breast cancer, and claiming rights to better services for patients with cancer.
She has also been honored for her support in spreading the Greek Paralympic Volunteers , while in December 2007 she was honored by Greek Goverment as a Goodwill Ambassador for Social Volunteering.