Amalia Voulgari
Officer for Social Policy & Equality, Region of Western Greece

Amalia Voulgari was born in 1982 in Agrinio in Aitoloakarnania, where she currently lives. Her father, Georgios Voulgaris comes from Messolonghi.
She graduated with honors from the 1st Highschool of Agrinio and she has a degree in Biochemistry-Biotechnology from the University of Thessaly. She has a master’s degree in environmental and natural resources management from the University of Patras and she has specialized in modern techniques of bioanalysis in health, agriculture, environment and nutrition at the Pharmacy department of Patras University.
She started her career in 2005 working as Biochemist at the Hospital of Messolonghi until 2009. She worked as Quality Controller and Inspector of food safety systems in several companies. At the same time, she conducted environmental studies and HACCP business licenses. Last 6 years she works as a Biochemist in a laboratory at the Hospital of Agrinio.
She was elected Regional Councilor of Western Greece in 2019 and she is Officer for Social Policy and Equality. She is also Chairwoman of the Gender Equality Committee of the Region of Western Greece.