Konstantinos Moustakas serves as a Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Patras, Head of the Visualization and Virtual Reality Group, Director of the Wire Communications and Information Technology Laboratory and Director of the MSc Program on Biomedical Engineering of the University of Patras. His main research interests include virtual and mixed reality, 3D geometry processing, haptics, virtual physiological human modeling and simulation, physics-based simulations, computational geometry and 3D computer vision. During the latest years, he has been the (co)author of more than 230 papers in refereed journals, edited books, and international conferences. His research work has received several awards. He participated and led more than 25 research and development projects funded by the EC and the Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology, serving in some of them as the coordinator or scientific coordinator. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, the IEEE Computer Society and member of Eurographics.