Maria Panitsa
Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology of the University of Patras

Maria Panitsa holds a degree in Biological Sciences and a PhD on “Flora and Vegetation of island ecosystems”. She is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology of the University of Patras in the field of Flora and Plant geography. Her research interests and key-expertise lie in diversity, biogeography and taxonomy of plant species focusing among others on islands and protected areas, plant species, plant communities and habitat types diversity, conservation and monitoring of plant species and natural habitats, biogeography, structure, dynamics, conservation and management of island ecosystems, study of the Greek flora; She has published 46 articles in peer-reviewed International journals and she has participated with more than 100 presentations at international and national conferences; She has participated at 28 national and European research programs as a coordinator or researcher; She has served as a reviewer for more than 35 scientific journals and she is guest editor of 3 special issues. She has served as a member of the Natura 2000 National Committee for the Protected Areas of Greece (2014-May 2020); and member of SSC/MPSG Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group of IUCN, of OPTIMA and of IBS; she is currently member of the Board of the Hellenic Botanical Society and of the Hellenic Ecological Society.