Maria Spyraki
Member of the European Parliament

Maria Spyraki is the awarded MEP of the year 2019 for Industry, Research, and Innovation. She is now serving in her second mandate in the European Parliament as a member of the Committees on Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE), on Regional Development (REGI) and on the Environment (ENVI). She has also worked for 22 years as a journalist in her home country Greece. She has also worked in the Press Office of the European Parliament in Athens from 2003 to 2004, as well as the office of Greek Commissioner to the EU, Mr. Stavros Dimas, for the period 2004-2009. Maria Spyraki has served as the Spokesperson of Nea Demokratia and is an elected member of the Nea Demokratia Executive Board. Her first degree is in Chemistry and she also studied economics and energy policy.