Dr. Paris Kitsos received his BSc degree in Physics in 1999 and his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2004, both from the University of Patras. Currently, he is associate professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of the Peloponnese and head of the Electronics Circuits, Systems and Applications laboratory (ECSA Lab). He is also he is collaborating academic faculty (from 2014) with Industrial Systems Institute (ISI). He has participated in many EU and national research programs projects both as a senior researcher and as a WP leader in the areas of VLSI design, Secure hardware design, and embedded systems. His research subjects include FPGA and ASIC design, Digital IC design for security, digital signal processing and ML systems. He has up to 110 research publications, in international journals, conferences, book chapters and books in the above-mentioned research areas and he has received more than 1500 non-self citations. Finally, he has organized numerous special issues and special sessions in international journals and conferences in the above-mentioned areas. Dr. Kitsos is a senior member of the IEEE.