Meet our RGC 2023 speakers

Evi Dramalioti
President National Centre of Public Administration & Local Governance
Paraskevi Ant. Dramalioti is a lawyer, an honors graduate of the National School of Public Administration, an honors doctorate in Administrative Science and a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Public Administration of the School of Economics and Public Administration of Panteion University. He has taught at Panteion University and the Hellenic Open University at undergraduate and postgraduate level, at the University of Western Attica at postgraduate level, as well as at the National School of Public Administration with the subject “issues of organization and operation of the state, coordination of government work and good legislation”. She worked in key positions in the public sector, such as in the Ministry of the Interior and in the Special Management Service of the Operational Program “Public Sector Reform”. She served as the Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs and National Defense in the General Secretariat of Government Project Coordination since its establishment in 2013 and then in the Presidency of the Government. From April 2021 he is President of the National Center for Public Administration & Self-Government.
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