Meet our RGC 2023 speakers

Konstantinos Lampropoulos
Konstantinos D. Lambropoulos is a journalist, journalism professor and author. He was born on September 25, 1979 in Patras and studied Economics and Business Administration. Journalism stole him away from Finance, and as a result, in January 2000, he started his career at the newspaper «Gnomi», turning his hobby into a profession, as he himself says. From the summer of 2005 until today, he belongs to the journalistic staff of the historical newspaper «Peloponnisos» (founded in 1886), being at the same time member of the newspaper’s website, pelop.gr, and radio producer at Peloponnisos FM 104.1. He is member of the Association of Editors of Peloponnese-Epirus-Islands Daily Newspaper Editors’ Union (ESIEPIN) and the Editors’ Auxiliary Insurance Fund (EAIF), member of the International Federation of Journalists (I.F.J.), member of the Panhellenic Association of Sports Editors (PSAT) and member of the Association of Historical Writers of Greece , while teaching journalism and sports journalism at IEK of Patras.
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