Meet our RGC 2024 speakers

Apostolos Fournaris
Director of Research at ISI ATHENS |
Dr. Apostolos Fournaris has received his diploma and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering department of University of Patras, Greece, in 2001 and 2008 respectively. He has worked as a researcher for the Information and Communication Technologies Lab in Sophia Antipolis Hitachi Europe SAS European R-D Centre for two years, as a Adjusct Assistant Professor in University of Patras, Greece as well as Monash University Australia (visiting Lecturer) and he is currently a Research Director in Industrial Systems Institute of Research Center ATHENA. Apostolos Fournaris has a long academic record on research, design and implementation of security and cryptographic engineering solutions focusing on how to utilize security-by-design approaches from the hardware level, to the firmware and software level on a computing system in order to achieve strong security and trust. He has a total number of more than 70 international peer-reviewed conference publications, most of which are organized or sponsored by IEEE, Springer, EuroMicro, ACM or IACR. Several of them are published in tier 1 (A class) or tier 2 International conferences like IEEE Euro Security and Privacy, IEEE Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, IACR Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems etc. He has a total number of 25 Journal publications in international high ranked, peer-reviewed journals (published by IEEE, Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, IACR transactions). He has in total more than 100 research publications including 11 book chapters, 2 Springer LNCS volume Books. He is a member of more than 35 Technical Program Committees, reviewer of more than 30 Journals/Conferences and he has organized 4 International Workshops (general Chair/Program Committee Chair) in collaboration with tier 1/2 Security/Hardware conferences as well as several conference special sessions. Over the past 5 years he has participated or served as project coordinator or scientific and Technical manager in many EU research projects (e.g CPSoSaware, ENERMAN, SECURED, SecOPERA, RESCALE) and is currently supporting and leading the Intelligent, Efficient and Secure Embedded System Research in Industrial Systems Institute/Research Center ATHENA, Greece. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE Circuits and Systems society, IEEE Computer society, International Accosiation for Cryptologic Research and the Technical Chamber of Greece.
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