Aris Ep. Giannakas is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Food Science & Technology of University of Patras. His research interests are Circular Economy/ Chemical Technology/ Food Nanotechnology. His current research interest is the volarization of biomass and food by-products in the development and characterization of biobased/bioactive nanostructures and their application in food safety, food processing, food preservation, and active or smart food packaging by following circular economy spirit. Recently was take a distinction as a member of the Stanford list of 2% of the world’s leading scientists in the updated bibliometric study of Elsevier Publishing House for the single year 2022-2023 of J. P.A. Ioannidis.
- 75 publications in international journals with peer review (2460 citations, h-index 28- google scholar)-30 publications as corresponding author.
- 18 publications of works in international conference proceedings.
- 4 book chapters
- 1 patent
- Supervisor in 4 PhD thesis and co-supervisor in 3 PhD thesis
- 12 scientific research programs participation (in two of them as PI)
- 6 editorial board member