Meet our RGC 2024 speakers

Byron Kotzamanis
Demographer, Docteur es Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Co-founder & Research Director, Institute of Demographic Research and Studies |
Demographer, Docteur es Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Co-founder – Research Director at the Institute of Demographic Research and Studies (IRD, 2024- ) and Principal Investigator, Research Project “Demographic Imperatives in Research and Practices in Greece” -Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (2020-2023). Professor of Demography (1999-2019), Department of Planning and Regional Development of University of Thessaly (UTH). Researcher at the National Centre of Social Research (1983-1996) and Associate/invited researcher at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED/France), 1996-1998 and 2004-2013.
Director (1998-2019) of the Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analyses of UTH, of the post-graduate program of the Dept. of Planning and Regional Studies (2001-2004) and the Joint French-Greek Master “Population-Development-Foresight” (Universities of Thessaly and Bordeaux, 2005-2017). President of the International Association of French Speaking Demographers and Honorary President since 2005. President (2007->) of the Demobalk International Association. Chevalier de Palmes Academiques of the French Government. Expert of the EU, responsible for re-organising the Statistical Institutes in the Western Balkan countries in the framework of PHARE and CARDS programs. Member of numerous Monitoring and observation missions for census operations in East European countries. Scientific responsible for implementing several research programs financed by national and international institutions. Author, co-author and editor of books about demographic & population developments in Greece and the Balkans. Author of several papers in collective volumes examining issues of demographic policy, population projections, migration, mortality, and family/fertility in Greece / Balkans.
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