Meet our RGC 2024 speakers

Dimitris Ptochos
Dimitrios has 19 years of experience in the fields of Strategy, Management, Business and technical/technology consulting, serving market leading companies in a variety of industries, such as Technology, Business Software, Construction, Material Science, Government, Logistics, Energy, Privatizations, Real estate, Retail, Design and innovation.
He was serving Greek Government for three years as General Secretary of Government Coordination and Director of Prime Minister’s Strategic Planning Bureau. Prior to that and after that, Dimitrios was Senior Executive of People engineering and designing firm, responsible for the business development of the group, focusing in new markets, creative experiences and innovative ideas. Before he founded People, Dimitrios was senior business consultant with TEKA, a software firm, member of VIOHALCO group, where he was managing engagements and relationships with the top players in the software, manufacturing, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, Retail, Logistics and Technology space across 6 countries of Southeast Europe. He also was system architect for ERP systems based on SAP platform. He directed a lot of research projects, supervised large engineering and cross-functional teams, and collaborated with major technology vendors in the area of Telecommunications and IT.
While at NTUA, Dimitrios was researcher and scientific consultant to DSS lab of NTUA, led his team to design, develop and deliver software systems, big data and predictive analytics technics in several consulting engagements in EU. As Scientific Manager, he directed or worked for several EU projects like TACIS and MEDA.
Dimitrios holds a PhD in Operational Research, Management Science and Decision Support Systems from National Technical University of Athens. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering from National Technical University of Athens as well as his Bachelor in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the same University. In 2012, Dimitrios completed the Advanced Management Program (AMP) in the MIT Sloan School of Management with a focus on Strategy, Innovation and Leadership. He has several scientific publications and discriminations in several areas.
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