Dr. Dimitrios Tzovaras is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas. He has conducted very important scientific and research work, which is summarized in 3 books, 64 book chapters, 301 publications in International Journals with Referees and 744 presentations in International Conferences with Referees.
His main research interests include network and visual analytics for computer vision, virtual and augmented reality, visual analytics, multidimensional data analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence. He is also deeply engaged in applied research aiming at providing innovative solutions in the fields of Energy, Medicine, Industry 4.0, Transport and Culture.
Since 1992 he has participated with his team in more than 300 Research and Development projects funded by the EU and the GSRI. He has an extensive management record having been the project coordinator and/or the technical/ scientific manager of 61 projects, during the last 5 years.
Dr. Dimitrios Tzovaras has concluded industrial contracts with leading companies in the world, such as Samsung, while he is actively involved in innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives. He is the co-founder of nine (9) spin-offs of CERTH/ITI and the initiator of one of the most innovative activities in the area of electronically equipped infrastructures in Greece, the near zero Energy Smart House, an officially recognized Digital Innovation Hub in the EU. He is also the coordinator of Mega Project 3, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Applications of the 4th Generation Technologic Park, ThessInTec. He is the owner of thirteen patents in the scientific areas of virtual reality, finance, health and biometrics.