Meet our RGC 2024 speakers

Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos
Secretary General of Information Systems and Digital Governance |
Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos is a Professor of Information Systems and Simulation in the Department of Informatics and Telematics at Harokopio University of Athens.
He served as a Rector of the same University, during 2011-2016 and as a Dean of the School of Digital Technology.
He is a visiting Professor at Sussex University, UK, and an Associate Editor of Requirements Engineering (Springer). He served as National Representative of Greece for ICT in EU Horizon 2020 (2014-2015).
He held the position of Secretary General for Information Systems of the Greek Ministry of Finance and Economics (2004 – 2009). During his service, he contributed to the development of the following Information systems: Real Estate Data Base and ETAK systems, ELENXIS, new TAXISnet, ICISnet and M-TAXIS (mobile TAXIS).
During 2019-2023, he served as Secretary General for Information Systems of Public Administration of the Hellenic Ministry of Digital Governance, responsible – among other projects that contributed to the country’s rapid digital transformation development – for Interoperability across the Public Sector and Government Cloud.
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