Meet our RGC 2024 speakers

Dr. Panagiotis Nastos
Professor & Director, Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment
Professor Dr. Panagiotis Nastos (PN) is the Director of the Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (http://lacae.geol.uoa.gr). PN is the President of the Hellenic Meteorological Society since 2010, member of the Coordination Committee of the Center of Excellence “Natural Disaster Management” of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and member of the International Scientific Committee of the UNESCO Chair on Conservation and Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems “Con-E-Ect”, since 2019. PN has supervised a significant number of PhDs and post-graduated dissertations in the field of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment. PN has twenty years of research experience in Climate Change and Variability, Human Biometeorology, Urban Environment and Human Health, Extreme Weather and Climate, Impacts of Ambient Air Pollution. PN is an active member of more than 50 editorial boards, international academic societies and journals and he has been invited speaker at workshops, seminars, and conferences concerning climate change and variability, extreme weather, urban thermal environment and impacts on human health and tourism. PN has published more than 400 scientific papers, of which 140 in International Scientific Journals and the other in International, National Conferences and Published Books in the field of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment (>6100 citations, h-index = 43). PN has participated in 32 EU and national research projects as project manager/senior researcher.
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