Meet our RGC 2024 speakers
Paraskevi Charalaboyianni
Deputy Minister, Ministry of the Interior

Since June 2023, Paraskevi (Vivi) Charalaboyianni is Deputy Minister of the Greek Ministry of the Interior. Her portfolio includes the implementation of the new goal-setting and employee performance evaluation system, the management of all the administrative procedures of the public sector and all the matters and processes included in the Code of Civil Servants.

For a four-year period that is from June 2019 to June 2023, she served as Secretary General for Human Resources of Public Sector at the Ministry of the Interior, being responsible for human resources management and development and the modernization of Greek Public Administration’s structures. During the aforementioned period, she led major public administration reform projects in Greece, such as the redesign of the recruitment system, the introduction of a new goal setting  system, the performance management and employee reward system, the law on multi- level governance, the review of job qualifications, the law on teleworking and the law of internal control system as well as other integrity and transparency initiatives. She chaired the Public Sector’s Human Resources Committee and the National Council for Multilevel Governance.

During the period 2011-2014 she headed late Secretary General D. Stefanou’ s office and then T. Livanios’ office, initially at the General Secretariat of Mass Media and from 2012 to 2014 at the Ministry of Administrative Reform and E-Governance. She has thoroughly been involved in implementing HR policies and procedures during her service as a permanent employee serving at the Personnel Department of the Hellenic Parliament.

She holds a degree in political science and public administration from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, an MBA from the Hellenic Open University and is a PhD candidate for the administrative science and public law in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

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