Meet our RGC 2024 speakers
Philippos Gourzis
Prof. University of Patras, Director of Psychiatry Clinic, University General Hospital of Patras

Academic appointments

2000 – 2008: Lecturer of Psychiatry, University of Patras, Medical School

2008 – 2010: Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Patras, Medical School 2010 – 2014: Assosiate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Patras, Medical School 2014 – Present: Professor of Psychiatry, University of Patras, Medical School

Graduate education

1982: University of Athens, Dentist School 1988: University of Ioannina, Medical School

Post graduate degree

1999:    PhD, University of Patras, medical School

Thesis  Title:  “Study  of  Inheritance and  Precursor  Symptoms  of  Types of Schizophrenic Disorders”

Professional training

1983 – 1984: Military service, Dentist specialization

1989 – 1990: Intern in Neurologic Clinic of the General University Hospital of Patras 1990 – 1993: Intern in Psychiatric Clinic of the General University Hospital of Patras 1994: Title of Specialization in Psychiatry, Patras

1994 – 2000: Training in Psychoanalytical type of Psychotherapy 1994 – 2000: Private medical practice

1995 – 1996 and 1998 – 2000: Physician of TEBE

Professional experience

2009 – Present: Director of Psychiatric Clinic of the General University Hospital of Patras 2014 – Present: Scientific Coordinator of the Psychohosocial Rehabilitation “Psychargo”


Hellenic Psychiatric Society (2004 – present), Chairman of Hellenic Psychiatric Society- Department of Peloponissos (2006 – present), Hellenic Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology (2011 – present), Chairman of the Management Committee of the Hellenic Neuropsychiatry Society (2012 – present)

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