Meet our RGC 2024 speakers

Stavros A. Koubias
Professor Emeritus, Former Rector , University of Patras |
Prof. S. Koubias received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering and his PhD degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Patras, Greece, in 1976 and 1982, respectively. Since 1990, he has served as an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Full Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Patras. Today, he holds the title of Professor Emeritus and serves as President of the University of Patras Professors Emeriti Association. He has served as Director of the Laboratory of Electronic Applications and Chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology, as well as Rector of the University of Patras (2006-2010). He is also a collaborating academic faculty member at the Industrial Systems Institute (SI), Greece.
He has extensive academic and research experience in the fields of advanced microcomputers, embedded systems, industrial systems, and networks, aligned with the scientific pillars of Industry 4.0, Emerging Technologies, Factory Automation, and Factory Communication Systems of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Industrial Electronics Society. He was among the first in the Greek academic environment to practically link scientific applied research with Greek and European industries. He did this within the framework of large Greek and European Research and Development programs, collaborating with Greek and European research groups from academic and industrial bodies, where he participated as a scientific coordinator and/or member of research teams.
He has demonstrated extensive educational activity by teaching numerous undergraduate and postgraduate courses, supervising a large number of diploma theses and doctoral dissertations, and coordinating European Educational Programs. He has published a large number of scientific papers in reputable international journals and proceedings of high-quality international conferences, primarily those of the IEEE, the largest and most prestigious association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers internationally. He is an IEEE Senior Member and held the position of Member-at-Large for the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, due to his significant research, scientific, and teaching contributions to the aforementioned cognitive subjects of the IEEE.
He served as a member of the National Council for Quality Development, a distinguished member and coordinator of the Regional Advisory Committee for Research, Education, and Innovation, and the Regional Research and Innovation Council of the Region of Western Greece. He has been declared an Honorary Citizen of the Municipality of Patras.
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