Meet our RGC 2024 speakers

Yiannis Kovanis
Head, Local Development Unit for coordination and monitoring of LEADER |
Head of Territorial Development Unit 11/2013 – 03/2023
– – Implementation and completion of ongoing actions of Axis 3 and Axis 4.
– – Supervision of the implementation of 50 local LEADER programs in the context of the implementation of measure 19 of the 2014-2020 RDP, modification of the relevant institutional framework, issuance of implementation guides, control of local program implementation procedures, communication with the Local Action Groups, the administrative authorities of the Regions and the OPEKEPE. Issuance of over-commitment decisions and examination of related invitations. Preparation of progress reports on the implementation of local programs.
– – Preparation of the national institutional framework for the implementation of the LEADER intervention within the framework of the CAP SP, as well as the relevant circulars and implementation guides.
– – Coordination and supervision of the competent evaluation committees for the examination of the local programs submitted following an invitation for the programming period 2023-2027.
– – Preparation of the Management and Control System for the implementation of the LEADER intervention.
– – Representative of EYE PAA in the EU LEADER Sub-Committee.
Programming Unit 11/2013 – 03/2023
▪ Programming of Greek Rural Development Program. Responsible for:
– The programming of Measures 3 ‘Quality schemes for agricultural products, and foodstuffs’, 9
‘Setting up of producer groups and organizations’ and 19 ‘CLLD / LEADER’.
– The lead of the team for the preparation of the ‘Control and Management system’.
▪ Programming of Greek CAP Strategic Plan. Responsible for:
– The consultation and programming of Specific Objectives 7 ‘Attract and sustain young farmers and facilitate business development in rural areas’, 8 ‘Promote employment, growth, gender equality, social inclusion and local development in rural areas, including bio-economy and sustainable forestry’ and 9 ‘Improve the response of EU agriculture to societal demands on food and health, including safe and nutritious food produced in a sustainable way, food waste, as well as animal welfare’.
– The preparation of agricultural risk management national programme.
– The preparation of the implementation of CLLD/LEADER national programme.
▪ Additional responsibilities: determination of the intermediate management bodies, determination of the management of fraud complains, verifiability / controllability and error risk assessment of the measures, financial plan of RDP and CAP SP, preparation of the national frame work.
▪ National representative in European Commission Rural Development Committee.
▪ National representative in Working Party on Horizontal Agricultural questions / CAP Reform (coordinated by Council of the European Union)
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