Meet our RGC 2024 speakers

Yiorgos Ioannidis
Economist, Member of the National Expert Group for the Future, Cohesion Policy |
Yiorgos Ioannidis studied economics at the Department of Economic and Regional Development (Panteion University), completed his postgraduate studies in Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens, in Philosophy and Methodology of Science at the Department of Methodology, History, and Philosophy of Science of the University of Athens, and was awarded a PhD in Economics from the Department of Economics of the University of Crete. He has worked as a researcher at the Small Enterprises Institute of GSEVEE, at the Observatory of Economic & Social Developments of the Labour Institute of GSEE, and as Special Scientific Personnel at the Research Department of the Hellenic Fiscal Council. He has taught Labor Economics and Employment Policy at Panteion University and University of Athens, as well as Public Economics at the National Center for Public Administration. His research interests focus on political economy, economic policy, employment policy, experimental economics, and public policy evaluation. From March 2015 to June 2019, he served as Special Secretary for the Management of Sectoral Operational Programs of the European Social Fund (ESPA 2014-2020) at the Ministry of Economy and Development.
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