Rongjun Zhang
Vice President of Xi‘an Shiyou University for International Cooperation

Zhang Rongjun Vice President of Xi’an Shiyou University, professor, Doctor of Engineering, visiting scholar at the Universityof Calgary in Canada. Professor Zhang also serves as the Deputy Director of
Academic Committee and the President of Overseas-educated Scholars’ Association of Xian Shiyou University, member of SPE(Societyof Petroleum Engineers), the Director of Shaanxi PetroleumSociety, andtheEditorial Board Member of Special Oil Gas Reservoirs.
Working Experience
Professor Zhang received PhD degree at Northwest Universityin2008, after that he conducted post-doctoral work at State Key Laboratoryof Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong University. He then served in succession at Xi’an Shiyou University as Director of Fundamental Lab at Department of Oilfield Development, Director of General Office, Deputy Party Secretary at College of PetroleumEngineering, Director of Department of International CommunicationandCooperation (Office of HongKong/Macau/Taiwan affairs), Deanof International Education College, Director of Department of Scienceand
Technology, Director of Center for Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation.
Academic Achievements
Professor Zhang has long been engaged in the teaching and researchtopics in the oil and gas field development engineering ,focusingat physical and chemical seepage, reservoir engineering ,theoryandtechnology of oil recovery enhancement. He is the lecturer of “Reservoir Engineering”, “Seepage Mechanics”, “Introduction to PetroleumIndustry” and other courses, and has won the first place of teachingquality of Xi ‘an Shiyou University. In recent years, he has presidedover and participated in more than 40 projects of the National Key ResearchProgram, “973” program, Ministry of Education supported program, “11th Five-Year Plan” Supported Plan, Shaanxi Provincial ScienceandTechnology Research Program and Oilfield Cooperation, and published4monographs.
In Acta Petrolei Sinica, Petroleum Exploration and Development, Journal of Northwest University, Natural Gas Industry, DrillingandProduction Technology, China Petroleum Machinery and other academicjournals, Professor Zhang published more than 60 articles (fromwhich9were accepted by EI). Professor Zhang has won 2 second prizes and1third prize of Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology ProgressAward, 3 first prizes and 2 second prizes of Shaanxi Provincial Higher Education Science and Technology Progress Award, and obtained2patents.