Meet our Speakers

Angeliki Bouziani
Head of the Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (INTERREG), Ministry of Development & Investments, Hellenic Republic
Angeliki Bouziani holds both a degree and an MSc in Spatial Planning Engineering, Urban Planning and Regional Development with a specialisation in international cooperation.
She has worked in the private sector as a self-employed engineer since 2002 and in academia with a research capacity. Since 2007 she is an executive in the Management Organization Unit of Development Programs (MOU SA), which assists public authorities in the effective management of EU-funded programmes. She holds a significant experience in the Sectoral Operational Programme for transport and networks.
She was appointed for four consecutive years (2012-2015) special advisor to the Secretary General of Public Investments and NSRF and then (2015-2016) to the Secretary Special for European Regional Development Fund & Cohesion Fund.
Since 2016 she serves in a top management position as Head of the Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (INTERREG) in Thessaloniki with all the
responsibilities that stem from the position, e.g., inter alia, Programme management, staff management, bilateral and transnational cooperation, regional policy implementation etc.
Angeliki Bouziani has participated in numerous studies in the field of urban and spatial planning and has published various articles. She is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece and speaks English and French. She is frequently invited as a keynote speaker at conferences, roundtables and forums.