Meet our Speakers

Epaminondas Christofilopoulos
Head of Unit, Foresight & Tools; Chief Scientific Advisor Special Secretariat for Strategic Foresight, Praxi Network, Hellenic Repubic
Epaminondas Christofilopoulos holds the UNESCO Chair on Futures Research, hosted by the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, and he is Chief Scientific Advisor to the Special Secretariat for Foresight, at the Presidency of the Government. He is an Onassis Foundation Fellow and holds a PhD in Strategic Foresight, while his academic profile also includes studies in Physics (BSc), Environment(MSc) and International Relations. He has initially worked in the fields of technology transfer and international research cooperation, coordinating many projects in Europe, Latin America, Asia and especially China where he has spent considerable time for over a decade.
He has been working in the field of futures research since 2010, designing and implementing a variety of projects on topics such as the future of innovation, technology, work, urban farming and China, to mention a few. He has published monographs and peer-reviewed articles in the main futures journals, chapters in several books, and he has adapted in Greek the book “Playing with the Future” for teachers and students aged 8 to 16. In collaboration with UNESCO, he is supporting the concept of Futures Literacy and designs experiential workshops for students and organizational executives. Finally, he is currently the chairman of the Foresight Europe Network and co-chairman of the Greek node of the Millennium Project, a global think tank based in Washington DC.