Meet our Speakers

Evgenia Fotoniata
Co-ordinator, Economy & Society, ENA Institute
Evgenia Fotoniata studied Chemical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens and holds a Ph.D in Economics (Ph.D dissertation: “Essays on Informality and Minimum Wages”) from the Athens University of Economics and Business. She also received an MSc in Physical Chemistry and Science of Materials at the National Technical University of Athens, an MA in International Economics and Finance at the Athens University of Economics and Business and an MA in Cultural Management and Policy at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. She worked as Project Manager providing strategic management, scientific and technical consulting services to both public and private entities for numerous projects within the framework of entrepreneurship & competitiveness support programs. From March 2015 to July 2019 she served as Special Secretary for ERDF & CF-funded Sectoral OPs at the Ministry of Economy and Development.