Meet our Speakers

Panagiotis Kampylis
Digital Transformation Policy and Data Analyst at the Greek National Documentation Centre
Panagiotis is a lifelong learner and researcher with over 15 years of research, policy advice and project management experience in education, training, key competences, and human capital development. He holds a PhD in Cognitive Science (PhD thesis on creativity) from the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. He has published more than 50 books, studies, articles and policy reports. He is an invited speaker at various events on key competences, education, training, and lifelong learning. He worked from January 2012 to August 2020 as a scientific officer and team leader at the European Commission´s Joint Research Centre. He led the design and management of large-scale research projects on innovation in education and training, entrepreneurship, digital skills, computational thinking and human capital development. For instance, he led the development of the European Framework for Digitally-Competent Educational Organisations (DigCompOrg) and contributed to the European Framework on Entrepreneurship Competence (EntreComp). He also designed and led the development, testing and implementation of the European Commission´s SELFIE tool for schools´ digital capacity, used by more than 2,900,000 school leaders, teachers and students worldwide. From May 2021 to May 2022, he was a Senior Research Fellow at the Italian National Research Council – Institute for Educational Technologies. Currently, he is a Research Officer and project manager at the Greek National Documentation Centre. You can find him on Twitter as @pankampylis and on LinkedIn at