Meet our Speakers

Panagiotis Milis
Chief Technology Officer (CTO),
He graduated in Business Administration and Marketing at the Economic University of Athens (AUEB/ASOEE). He has an extensive professional experience in different fields, having worked as a Senior Consultant in Finance and Marketing and as an Executive in Sales, Information Technology and Production. He also has a long teaching experience >3500 hours. His portfolio includes many presentations as a speaker in seminars and both domestic and international conferences (India, China), as well as publications on specialized journals (marketing, IT).
From 1999 to 2017 he was of Director of Marketing in a constantly expanding FMCG Company. Having a significant interest in computing, he has led his team to achieve the third and fourth position in the “All Times Top 10” of paid applications for Apple in Greece. Awarded for Creativity, Successful Marketing Strategies and executions on several projects.
Honorary Member of the Greek Community of Brussels.