Stefan Brunnhuber
Member of the Board of Trustees World Academy of Science and Arts

Stefan Brunnhuber is a socio-economist and psychiatrist who has been actively engaged in the activities for WAAS for the past five years.
As an active member of the New Economic Theory Working Group, he has introduced new approaches to fund the UN Sustainable Development Goals by the creation of complementary cryptocurrencies specially designed for investment to achieve the Agenda 2030 targets.
He is currently Medical Director & Chief Medical Officer at the Diakonie Kliniken Zschadrass, Colditz and Chief Medical Officer Department of Integral Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy. Mr. Brunnhuber is a Senator elected of the European Academy of Science and Arts (EASA), an Endowed Professor for Psychology & Sustainability, Member of the Board of Trustees World Academy of Science and Arts since 2018 and a Full Member of the Club of Rome since 2019. Another current position is the Institutional and corporate counceling (GENCAPGroup, UN, WHO, EU) and a Member of the German liberal Party (FDP) and the national economic board since this year.
Previous positions include Deputy Head of the Institute for Psychology, Medicial Sociology, Psychotherapy at the University Würzburg, a Visiting Professor „Finance and Sustainability” at University Budapest, a Medical Consultant at the department for Psychiatry II in Salzburg, and other Visiting Professorships in South Corea, Hungaria, Japan, China, India etc. in variety of disciplines, including Finance, Medicine, Sustainability.
He has made seminal contributions to the Academy’s work on Mind, Thinking & Creativity and on a New Paradigm in Education to improve learning outcomes and promote creative thinking.
Mr. Brunnhuber studied Medicine at the Medical School of Ulm. He further holds a Masters degree in MA Philosophy – Social and Economic Science Ulm München and a doctoral degree in Psychiatry, also from the University Ulm.